Friday, November 10, 2006

Playing Hookie - Hookey - Hooky - I dunno, I'm sick

I rarely miss school - especially for my own illness. Usually a sick child, children, or wife can cause me to turn the reigns over to a substitute, but still not very often. I hate leaving my lovely pupils with somebody else, but especially my classroom. It's like loaning your car to a person who doesn't know how to drive - when you get it back there's likely a scratch or two, unexplained stains in the seat, and the check engine light starts flashing all the time. Fortunately for me, this guy is my sub today:

THE TALL MAN Pictures, Images and Photos

No lie. Take about 15 years off The Tall Man and you've got a fascinating character I'll call Dr. Checkett. I'll call him that because it is, according to the school board via the FBI, his real name. And title. I have doubts.

Dr. Checkett's arrival could not have come at a better time. We've been talking about scary books and movies all week in preparation to read "The Tell-Tale Heart". I was going to turn out the lights and fire up a few candles and have another teacher bang on the door at the climax, but alas, I've got catbite Ebola or some shit. In my plans I left Dr. Checkett instructions to read the piece aloud himself if he was feeling dramatically inclined. I'm almost certain he will.

Let's take a moment to recognize my lovely custodian, Ms. Sandra. I'm sorry about the feces and urine you're about to discover coating all my desks.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Time to Kill

No, not the movie - Sam Jackson is cool, but not cool enough to float this white-man savior flick. It is me who has the time for the killing. Er, killing time, that is. Whatever. I was sick last time I posted something and I'm sick now - not the same illness. That would make it AIDS or something. I went to the doctor's office yesterday because I was bitten by a cat at my principal's house. Really hard and repeatedly. My finger looks like it was slammed in a door with nails sticking out. So the doctor (male nurse practitioner) points out that I have a sinus infection to go along with my infection caused by feline bitery and prescribes me these gigantic and expensive horsepill mammajammas. (Teacher health plans suck goats.) So I'm sick, but not for long. And my finger is guaranteed not to fall off. By a male nurse practitioner.

Anyway, I'm killing time because I'm still at school waiting for a meeting on my own time. Each year we have to draw up specific individual plans for students who fail to meet FCAT goals. What is FCAT, you might ask? A great test with monumentally stupid implications thanks to the No Child Left Behind (but neatly swept under the rug is OK) Act. So all of the kids in my intensive language arts class have a plan and their parents are supposed to come tonight to sign it and, if previous years are any indication, stare blankly at me because these plans are stupid and redundant and probably flash cleavage liberally because they've never seen a male teacher under the age of 30 with no visible scars.

Wish me luck.

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