Once Bitten...
Those of you currently living here in the armpit of the Sunshine State might have noticed that it has rained daily for over a week. Normally this is not a problem. In fact, if it were happening every day at 3pm and someone complained, you would say, "Welcome to Florida," roll your eyes, and go back to poisoning ant beds. But this isn't like that. From Monday to Friday I saw the sun for about an hour, and 59 minutes of that took place on Friday. This is unprecedented without a hurricane, and it's genuinely depressing. Did I mention that the region just went through the most severe flooding in 30+ years? Of course I didn't. I was just testing you. But it's true.
Anyway, I don't want to talk about the weather.
We've got weird bugs now. I'm sure that they're normal bugs (I'm not taking any down to the agricultural extension office for identification), but these bugs aren't usually in my yard and something invisible bit me. During my 59 minute window, I was trying to run the weed-eater with enhanced speed and efficiency, something bit me on the back of the neck, and 48 hours later I still have a welt and stiffness in my neck. My 'pitmate has suggested that I do all sorts of crazy and irrational things, like, "call [my] mother" or "go to the hospital," but I don't have time for all that junk - I just want to sit around until the kids go to bed and play Gears of War 2.
I'll let you know if I'm suddenly paralyzed or lose bladder control.

Labels: injuries and afflictions, vermin, weather